Text by Didier Meuwly, Guest editor
Forensic Science International (FSI) offers the opportunity to publish a digital open-access Supplement to the Journal as proceedings of the EAFS 2022. There is room for about 25 articles to cover the main contributions of the conference. If you had one or several abstracts accepted for the conference, you are invited to submit a full paper from this abstract.
If the submission is accepted it will be published as is or with minor revision. If it is not accepted for reason of room or topic, but judged of sufficient quality for publication, the Editorial Board (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/forensic-science-international/editorial-board) will advise the author(s) to submit the paper again for regular publication and will communicate its advice for revisions if any.
How to Submit
The submission and review system is managed by the Web-based Editorial system (https://www.editorialmanager.com/fsi/default1.aspx). When submitting your paper to Forensic Science International, it is important that you select “Special Issue EAFS 2022” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process (see screenshot below).
Should you encounter problems with the submission of your article, please contact Author Support (https://service.elsevier.com/app/contact/supporthub/publishing/)
The deadline for submission is extended to Friday 30 September 2022 at midnight CET. In accordance with FSI, accepted papers for the Supplement will first be published online as articles In Press, and the target for Open Access publication of the full Supplement is planned for the first semester of 2023.
Abstract Book
General questions
Contact the conference bureau, Meetagain eafs2022@meetagain.se | +46 8 664 58 00