In 2022 the biggest European Forensic Science Event – the European Academy of Forensic Science Conference – will take place in Stockholm.
EAFS 2022 is organised by the National Forensic Centre (NFC), a department within the Swedish Police Authority, under patronage of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI).
The objective of this conference is to explore developments in the forensic science community reflecting the needs of law enforcement agencies combating organized crime and terrorism as well as new areas of criminal activities. Its program will comprise topics such as technology transformation, digitisation of forensic process, forensic data science, forensic human factors and forensic social responsibility.
European forensic practitioners, scientists and stakeholders related to the forensic community as well as EU agencies, academia, industrial partners and international organisations will be invited to participate in the event.
It will be possible to attend the conference for five or three days.
General questions
Contact the conference bureau, Meetagain eafs2022@meetagain.se | +46 8 664 58 00