Layout and Format
Each poster session presenter will be provided with an 1,000 mm (width) x 2,000 mm (height) poster board (poster dimension according to A0-format) and an ample supply of push-pins. The board will be labelled with the preassigned EAFS id-number. Please observe that all posters should have a portrait layout in order to fit the poster board, and be in the format (width x eight) 841 mm x 1,189 mm. This template is in the right format with space for your poster number.
EU Logotype on Poster for EU Funded Project
If you are presenting a poster of an EU funded project or cooperation, you should have the EU logotype in your poster. Below you will find a file of the logotype which you may use.
Uploading Your Poster to the Conference App
It is important that you upload your poster to the FILECENTRAL in order to have it displayed in the Conference App. We will send you an e-mail containing your preassigned EAFS id-number or your poster which must be included in the poster file name when you upload the poster to the FILECENTRAL, for example: PP38_Study of the DNA Extraction.
Please note that the last day for uploading your poster to have it displayed in the conference app is May 13th.
Presenters are responsible for posting their materials on poster boards before lunch break on Tuesday May 31st at the latest. It will be possible to post material from Monday morning May 30th. If you are not to attend the conference before lunch on Tuesday May 31st, you may either send your poster to the venue by regular mail or use the printing and posting service decribed below. All posters are to remain posted during the entire conference. EAFS is not responsible for material left after the conference. Posters left will thus be disposed of.
If you want to send your printed poster to the venue, this is also possible for a handling fee of SEK 500 excluding VAT (25%) (approximately € 50). Please contact our Conference Bureau MeetAgain for assistance.
Posters shall be sent to:
Monterservice Hyrcity Expo AB
EAFS Poster/poster number
Fagerstagatan 52
163 53 Spånga
Attention: Kostas Grintzos +46707712252
Printing and Posting Service
We provide a printing and posting service on site in Stockholm should you prefer not to bring your poster with you as you travel to Sweden. Please contact our Conference Bureau MeetAgain for assistance. For a fee of SEK 500 excluding VAT (25 %) (approximately € 50) we will print and post your poster in time for the conference according to instructions below:
- We would like to have your poster as a high-resolution vector-based printready PDF-file.
- The scale should be 1/1.
- The size of your poster should be (w x h) 841 mm x 1,189 mm.
- Pre-requisites: Your poster must include your poster number at the bottom right corner (in accordance with template above). Save your poster with a name that includes your poster number and abstract title. For example: PP38_Study of the DNA Extraction. Please observe that your poster number is not the same number as your abstract number. You will recieve a separate e-mail from Invajo/AppInConf informing you of your poster number.
- Upload your file for print at FILECENTRAL.
- If you do not follow these instructions an extra fee of SEK 500 will be charged for layout time for your poster.
- We need your poster on May 13th at the latest.
Poster Presentations
Throughout the conference there are three poster sessions planned. Each poster is assigned to one of these sessions. The poster exhibition will be located in the Auditorium at the Norra Latin building. You will be informed of when you are scheduled to present your poster for attendee viewing. It is important that you are present during this time slot, in order to answer questions. You are free to participate and present your poster at additional poster sessions if you like.
Authors are also encouraged to bring reprints for distribution during the sessions and may also bring sign-up sheets for attendees who wish additional information.
The poster presentation should cover all key aspects of the work and contain the following items, where applicable:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- References
- Extensive narratives are not necessary. Short, “bulleted” statements are preferred.
- Results presented in the form of figures, diagrams, graphs etc. are preferred but may be presented in clear, concise tabular format.
- Statistical data should be titled and summarized in a clear, concise format.
- Materials should be displayed in a logical sequence from top left to bottom right. Number all poster panels or use arrows so that the sequence of presentation is clear.
- All type should be a minimum of 14 pt and readable from a distance of one metre. Use standard fonts/typefaces (e.g. Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman).
- All poster panels should be printed with a laser or other high-quality printer.
- The display does not need to be “artsy”, but the overall effectiveness of a poster presentation can be enhanced by using techniques such as mounting poster panels on coloured paper or crescent board. Colours may be used to highlight important points.
- The logotype of the European Union should be included if you are presenting an EU funded cooperation or project.
- Your poster must include your preassigned EAFS poster id-number at the bottom right corner (in accordance with template above).
Guidelines for printout
General questions
Contact the conference bureau, Meetagain eafs2022@meetagain.se | +46 8 664 58 00